Review : September 2009

September... I luv this month, bulan ini sesuai dengan apa yang gw harapkan, seuai dengan thema yang gw angkat bulan September ini. Bulan September kemaren gw angkat thema “DAMATION” yang mengartikan pemulihan.. bener2 tentang pemulihan hidup gw akan cinta dan hidup. Semua yang terjadi di bulan benar- benar membuat gw bener- bener berada di masa pemulihan gw. September really makes me love this month, everything happened make me realize that i’m really in the Damation zone, what make me better.. This month i found new love (hopefully) this is the last

Unforgottable Dates :

5th : (First Time) met with Warm Wind—Full of Curiousity

6th : (First Time) Buka puasa bareng Anak Yatim n Tim Nasyid Rully

9th : Beautiful Date, but Worse Day

11th : The Most Beuatiful Day with Warm Wind

12th : Memorable, Hang out with D’Genk – Happy Birthday J.J

14th : Happy Birthday Sean

17th : Throw Away my Diary about YoUng-DrAgon

18th : Best Kiss I Ever Tasted

20th : L E B A R A N

21st : Silaturahmi, Muter—muter J

23rd : Act Wild in “Love” Zone with Warm Wind

25th : Regreat why I am don’t act carzy // Nyesel gx nekad untuk sesuatu yang baru

26th : WOMANIZER, 1st Year

29th : “3” Release New Single of Britney

30th : (First Time) listen “3”

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