Review : June

June, it was totally graphical month. I mean a lot of feel and emotion I got in this month. So cool….hhheheh…This is what I want what happened in my life in every month I walked. June gave me what I want… make my hope come true.. all happened it something new.. fresh….and green hehehhe…

Unforgettable Dates :

2nd : Mix Emotion, between Hoe Sh*t and Logical Sun nice who so nice

6th : (First Time) walked around with Logical Sun

7th : Happy Anniversary 1th , My Shop

9th : I was sick..and Logical Sun did Romantic things

17th : (First Time) Play with Save…Confess I’m Done with HoE

18th : My Decision being JoJoBa

Happy Anniversary 42nd My Beloved Dad

21st : Break My Heart to know HoE have another Love

25th : First Meeting with Lovelock

26th : (First Time) Lovelock gave me a song

29th : Happy Anniversary 17th Imelda Hesty , My Beloved Sister

And know your turn July… plies give me a lot of Emotion and lesson

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