Telling Good Bye

Now, i've learn every paint that i execpt...
i Learn from every tears i've dropped.
i dont wanna look back to you,
i must keep walk even that so hard

i'm telling good bye to you,
my lover...
i dont wanna feel the paint no more
i'm telling good bye to you
my hard dream
good bye, i trush me i ain't come back

i already learn
even i too young
i know hou mauch paint you've made to me
i going down and nobody look at me
i cry and nobody feels me.
i alone
and i'm strong

i can gurantee that u worse
and i can't say that i'm the best
maybe everything better if i say good bye

Heart is part of life, can't pretend
i don't wanna breathe you in to my life
i'm so tired and so blue...
u never look at me, even i shout around the world

Now, i telling good bye to you...
My love...
You never be mine, so for what i love you more
it's over

to be concluded....

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