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Sorry banget, entah gw nya yang ter;lalu sibuk atau gw nya yang lagi malez. Lagi jarang bgt nge-Post neah...
Kejaan numpuk kali yaa...!!
Or lagi males kali ya...!!

Sorri ya
Buat Fans2 gw


Unusual U.D (LIVE!)

Kunjungi website Resmi U.D
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Garageband Version

Emilia De Poret Version (Now or Never)

Jester Version

Joanna Pacitti Version

Britney Spears (The Original)

All "WOMANIZER" Covers

Lily Allen Version

All American Reject Version

AHMIR Version

Ladyhawke Version

Franz Ferdinand Version

Britney Spears (The Original)

Semua Covers yang gw pilih adalah bukan sembarang covers. Semua yang menyanyikan "Womanizer" ini adalah artis artis kelas dunia semua.
Silahkan pilih yang menurut kamu yang paling baguzz

Setelah banyak mempertimbngkan hal dan segi kedewasaan dengan ini gw menutup

Eits JAngan Sedih..

Gw cuman menganti alamt website gw aja, untuk proses pendewasaan website gw beserta gw.
alamat yang baru adalah


ini artinya
U.D Yang tidak Biasa (ini bisa berarti U.D itu sangat luar biasa dan berbeda WOW)

U.D Now : Ada apa dengan gw?

Here I Am...

I don’t know what happened with me in a couples of the days. Everything so chaotic;. Beberapa hari ini semuanya gx menarik atau lebih tepatnya kacau, entahlah apa yang terjadi ma Capricorn. Gw Capricorn n orang2 yang gw sayang pun Capricorn, memang si gw gx punya hak untuk mempercayai zodiak, but. Dalam setiap sisinya ada kesamaan disana, malah sama bener. So everyone can be patient and calm down susah untuk mengalah dan egois. Start from my Mom and My HoE...... So heavy to tell to y’all. But gw orangnya gx bisa diem dan pendem masalah gw sekarang yang gw hadapi. HoE borrow my money, the reason why i let him to borrow my money is because i love him. So i let’em get it! I try to patient;, gw coba ikhlas karna toh dia yang gw sayang, dan cinta butuh pengorbanan. But deep in my heart is still drumming, shaking, and there’s a lot of voice, that’s make me sick. I don't know what happen or maybe i’m not ready for the bad impact what i got from all. I always have negative thinking about my love, but deep in my heart i won’t. Some one tell me if what u thinking is what u get it. So i throw away that mind set. I just wanna be happy in my way. Yeah..guys it all about money. Damn F**K money, money always make a life so alive but money can bring us to deep down blue sea. Hopefully what i give is what i’ll take. And my another Capricorn is my Mom, i always don't know what my mom things, she always beef about her life, i know everything is uncontrolled and back to the topic (is all about money) AGAIN!. I don't wanna be like my mom, who always feel regrets and not thankful to the God, i won’t. Please don’t make me like her. Day after day all make me learn something that there’s no Bad Day even i got accident is wasn’t. The Bad Day is zero, there’s only Learn Day, you know guys, something we make a mistakes for our better score in the future. That’s the word i like. Hopefully God give me the best maybe i’m not a perfect slave to the God, but i always remember who i am. I’m a slave to the God, everything what would happen in my life is all because God’s Hand.

Kill The Light (Rock Version)

U.D Said: Gila Keren banget.. Super Cool

Watch and Download All Part

Hi, i got the channel which u can see all The Circus Starring : Britney Spears with full part and HQ i taken this channel from youtube... It's cool
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Siap Siap Contreng.... !!!!

Siap- Siap Contreng....!!!

Wah- wah... Tidak menyangka sesok akan adanya pemilihan buat para Wakil Rankyat..!!! (Mmmmm) Siapa yang akan aku pilih ya..?? Sebenernya bukan siapa tapi apa yang telah para Calon Wakil Rakyat (Cakilra) itu kontribursikan untuk daerah / negara kita ini. Memang klasik kalo kita bicara “ Kami perlu Bukti bukan Janji” tapi memang itulah adanya. Hal yang paling sakral yang menentukan nasib kita kedepannya seperti apa. Inget loh, bayangpun hanya dalam 5 menit kamu didal;am bilik suara namun 5 menit kamu itu yang menentukan 5 tahun kedepan nasib negara atau daerah ini. Bukan nya sok mau mengajarkan baik dan buruk, tapi sifat kekhawatiran bagi rakyat kecil seperti kita ini lohh... (WajarKan?) Kalo rakyat nya pengen hidup makmur dibawah kekuasaan pemimpin atau Cakilra yang arif bijaksana yang gx tamak ngenyangin perut dengan uang haram. So. Buat kalian yang bener dah mempunyai hak pilih n PUNYA KARTU PILIH buruan dech tentuin pilihan kamu. Pejamkan mata, tentukan pilihan dan tegaskan tagan kamu untuk mencontreng ....

Selamat Mencontreng, Besok



01 Welcome To The Circus (Feat. Perez Hilton) (Intro).mp3
02 Circus.mp3
03 Piece Of Me.mp3
04 ‘Thunderstorm’ Segue (Interlude).mp3 1,257 KB
05 Radar.mp3
06 ‘Martial Arts’ Segue - Gimme More (LAZRtag Remix (Interlude).mp3
07 Ooh Ooh Baby, Hot As Ice (Medley).mp3
08 Boys.mp3′
09 If U Seek Amy.mp3′
10 ‘Bollywood’ Segue (Interlude).mp3
11 Me Against The Music (Bollywood Remix).mp3′
12 Welcome To The Show, Everytime Intro.mp3′
13 Everytime.mp3′
14 ‘Everybody’s Looking For Something’ Segue (Interlude).mp3′
15 Freakshow.mp3′
16 Get Naked (I Got A Plan).mp3′
17 Britney’s Hotline (Interlude).mp3′
18 Breathe On Me, Touch Of My Hand (Medley).mp3
19 ‘Electric Circus’ Segue (Interlude).mp3
19 ‘Electric Circus’ Segue (Interlude).mp3′
20 Do Somethin’.mp3′
21 I’m A Slave 4 U (Remix).mp3′
22 Dancer Solos, ‘Heartbeat’ Segue (Interlude).mp3
22 Dancer Solos, ‘Heartbeat’ Segue (Interlude).mp3′
23 Toxic.mp3
24 …Baby One More Time (Remix).mp3
25 Pre-Encore (Interlude).mp3
26 ‘Break The Ice’ Segue (Interlude).mp3
27 Womanizer, Circus Reprise - The Bow.mp3

Download Here

Preview : March

It's paint for me to review this month. March so Mess Month.... like shattered glass.. Totally like a circus. But it was paint of circus. I dont know where the start.. March so very mysterious;, it so impact! Can u see my face in the March Theme? It so sad and blues. And it really happened all of month..!!
So wish i, in the April i drop my smile face and full color stuff, to make my April great. Hopefully.
I don't know why my March so chaotic..! :(

Unforgotten Dates:
3rd : Hen Shoot me with His Love, Hated that
9th : Me and HoE argue
10th : Totally my Big Cry
12th : (many thing happens in My 12)
- My Blog birthday
- If U Seek Amy Released, and
- Me and My Hoe, Broke up!!
24th : HoE came for the very first time after we broke and HoE borrow my money.. (so suck!)
27th : HoE makes me feel sad again (so sicK)
29th : Cinderella Run Away..
30th : P******Ncy... G88D b%e..!! My *****

29-30 It was my horrible day yupz, right until now..!!
Wish April Better



Play in Backyard

War inside…

Smile in the Picture

Cry in the time..


Makes me like a fighter

Keep moving on and don’t care about all


Makes me feel like a performer

Who have a job to make you all laugh.


Who knows…


Stronger than yesterday, a must!


Who cares..

But Funniest more any one, it a must!


Britney Spears Videos